Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Recap

After a very busy Thursday (an afternoon Twins game and hosting Bunco), I was ready for a relatively low-key day with the girls. We spent the morning hanging out around the house. The girls are really starting to interact with one another...chasing each other around and laughing like crazy. It is pretty amazing to watch. The girls each have one of these chairs. Not only do they love to sit on them, but also love to tip them over, climb on them, etc. They have provided numerous hours of entertainment. My one complaint is the fact that Pottery Barn only allows you to personalize the chairs up to 8 letters, so Charlotte's chair remains bare. One of these days we will get around to having it personalized...probably when she's about 16. The rest of our day was a little more hectic with trips to the library, Sprint store and Old Navy. I even got a run in on the treadmill while the girls were napping. Another great day with my girls.
My parents were nice enough to take the girls overnight last night, so Art & I could spend a night on the town with some friends. Our night included dinner at Crave, the movie Date Night and a drink at Cooper to complete the evening. The movie was surprisingly funny and it was great to spend time with friends!

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