Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday Fun with Friends

Whitney's daycare was closed on Friday, so she joined us for a fun-filled day. We read books, colored, went on an egg hunt and spent a long time at the park. The girls had so much fun playing and making each other laugh. They LOVED searching for eggs and then opening each one. They also enjoyed shaking the eggs to see if they made noise before they opened each one. At the park, I pushed them on the swings, they went down slides, and made me a delicious 'rock soup'. :) I must have worn them out as they were both exhausted by nap time. Claire literally asked to go to sleep around 12:45, which is definitely not her usual. It was such a great day and it was so fun to have another little one around to keep Claire busy. Here's to a summer filled with more play dates!

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