Sunday, February 27, 2011

We might be crazy...

After much apprehension we decided to go ahead and potty train Charlotte this weekend. We were hesitant because she is so little, but after some discussion with friends and her teachers at school we figured we had nothing to lose. She was going consistently at both home and school and was staying dry for long periods of time. We didn't want to miss this window of opportunity, so we did it...and it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. A few accidents Friday and Saturday, but none today! The true test will be when she goes back to school tomorrow and has many more distractions. I'm sure there will be a few rough patches, but we will get through them. No turning back now...

02.25.11 Potty Training (6)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Helpers

When my office closed on Monday (due to the snow) and I ended up home all day with the girls, I knew I had to come up with an activity or two to keep us busy. After going through our pantry and doing a little Internet searching, we decided to make Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal muffins. The girls LOVE to bake. They enjoy putting all the ingredients in the mixing bowl, helping stir everything together and stealing a good lick or two along the way. They might not be the cleanest helpers, but I think I'll keep them around.
02.21.11 Snow Day (9)

02.21.11 Snow Day (4)

02.21.11 Snow Day (10)

Monday, February 7, 2011

18 months

Charlotte recently passed the 18 month mark. Our little baby girl is now closer to 2 than 1. I am in disbelief and if I could freeze time for just a few months, I would. I am loving the age she is at right now. She is at such a sweet longer a baby, but not quite kid.

02.05 (18)

She is communicating like crazy and has SO much to say. She repeats everything we say and we can understand nearly everything that she wants. She loves to sing and knows the words to several songs. My personal favorites of hers are 'Twinkle Twinkle', and 'Row, Row, Row your Boat'.

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She loves to play independently. Often times she will wander off into her room to look at books or play with other toys. Completely content to hang out with herself. She continues to love to read...her favorite book lately is Silly Sally. She giggles with delight every time. She has been more interested in puzzles and is pretty good at the peg-style ones. Of course that doesn't prevent her from taking all the pieces out of Claire's and leaving them for someone else to put back together. Good thing Claire likes puzzles too.
She loves following her sister around and wants to do everything that Claire does. Whether its painting or playing games or helping cook in the kitchen we have learned that it is much easier to give in and let her participate.

1.14 (21)
She is a friendly little girl that loves other kids, especially babies. She is sweet and happy, and LOVES to cuddle. If she had it her way she would take every nap on Mom or Dad's chest. While she sleeps fine through the night, sleeping is definitely not her favorite activity. She has a hard time settling down at nap and bedtime and often needs a little reassurance before she finally drifts off. We're pretty sure Claire sleeps more than her, but can't complain as she is usually in a pretty good mood.

She has recently starting going on the potty, which I find hilarious. She started going at school first. When her teachers told me that she was going at least once a day in the potty, I didn't believe them. We started putting her on at home and she has actually been pretty successful. And while we are no where near ready to potty train, we are pretty proud.
02.04 (13)

While she has been pretty healthy this winter, we are still struggling with her ears. She has probably had about 5 infections this winter...2 of which we needed antibiotics to clear. The good thing is that her tubes allow the fluid to drain, so she isn't in pain. We are headed back to the ENT in a few weeks, so we will see if he has any suggestions. We had her 18 month appointment today and everything else checked out great. She now weighs in at 21 lbs 14 oz (14th %) and is 31.5 inches tall (42nd %) - still a little peanut.
Happy 18 months Charlotte!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


Claire decided she didn't need a nap today and was a little irritable this afternoon. I asked her to give me her grumpy face and this is what I got...
02.04 (38)

She eventually snapped out of her little mood and we headed outside this afternoon. It was beautiful outside. The sunny was shining, there was little to no wind and temps were over 30 degrees. We walked up to the park and the girls had a great time swinging, going down the slides and just exploring. Spring cannot come soon enough.

Heres a few more of Claire from this afternoon. Happy weekend!
02.04 (14)

02.04 (4)