Sunday, April 4, 2010

An Eggcellent Day

We had a great celebration today. We started the morning off with baskets from the Easter Bunny and then headed to church. We headed home so Charlotte could have a quick nap and then headed to my grandparent's house.
Once we arrived Claire and her cousins headed outside for an egg hunt. Claire loved searching for her eggs. Claire only opened the eggs that actually made noise. She had zero interest in any of the other eggs...mental note for next year. We had a nice lunch and then headed home for naps.
Unfortunately Claire must have had too much sugar (and too much excitement) as she pretty much refused to nap. After 1.5 hours of her messing around in her room, we gave up. Once Charlotte woke up we enjoyed the beautiful weather with a long family bike ride. A great way to end an eggcellent day!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Love the big sister choke hold. Is it love or revenge? ;-)