We headed to the Target pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics, a trip that never fails to frustrate me. We arrive, drop off the prescription and are told it will take 20 minutes to fill it. I'm thinking, "not so bad...we can pick up a few things and I'll be able to keep Claire entertained." After 20 minutes we head back to find that it is not ready and will only be a few more minutes. Five minutes go by...still not ready. Five more minutes go by...still not ready. By now Claire is sick of sitting in the cart and keeps repeating (quite loudly might I add), "my medicine almost ready" over and over again. She desperately wants to get out of the cart. In an effort to keep her there I tell her to sing a song to pass the time. She then proceeds to sing (or should I say scream) her ABC's. By now people are giving us looks, partly amused and partly annoyed by Claire. I can't really fault Claire...not only have we been waiting for quite some time, but she isn't feeling well either. Finally, 35 minutes after dropping it off, our prescription was ready. I'm not sure if it is all pharmacies or just the one we go to, but this is my experience every single time. I just don't understand why it takes so long.
At least we got the medicine and Claire was feeling much better by Saturday morning. Here's a few pictures from our weekend.
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