Friday, February 15, 2008


I made several realizations yesterday...
The first, and most depressing, is that I have to go back to work in 3 weeks. I met my boss for coffee yesterday morning and that made it seem so real all of a sudden. Don't get me wrong, the increased adult interaction will be a welcome change (and I only have to go back 4 days/week), but I will miss little Claire so much. Maternity leave really is a cruel thing. Just as your child is getting more antimated and fun, you get to spend less time with them. Maternity leave in the winter is particularly cruel as I will be going back to work just as sub-zero temperatures disappear and the amount of daylight increases. I mean, really, would you want to leave this little face every day?!?!
The second realization I had is that there is no way that I am going to learn all the ins and outs of the digital SLR without taking a class. So, I will be signing up for a few classes within the next few weeks. At least it is a start...

The third realization I had is that I have not started and finished reading a good book for a LONG time. Today I am going to work on the starting part of that.

Finally, the last realization that I had yesterday is that I am truly lucky to have such a supportive husband. He came home from work last night with Broder's take-out and flowers in hand and we had a wonderful evening at home.

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