Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Littlest Reader

Charlotte had no interest in books for the first 12 months of her life. Any time we tried to read to her, she would squirm out of our laps. She could have cared less about the bright colors of the pages or the rhyming words. There were much more interesting things to explore. Around the time she turned one all of this changed. Our little girl seemed to become a bookworm overnight. She loves to read. She likes looking at the pictures and turning the pages by herself just as much as she enjoys being read to. One of her favorites for the last month or so is a Happy Birthday book. She usually grabs it off her shelves and if she can't find it she says, "happy, happy, happy" over and over again until we find it. At the end of the book we always sing Happy Birthday and she moves her little body from side to side, loving every minute. Our littlest reader has finally arrived. 01.09 (4)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SOOOO CUTE - she looks so big!!