Friday, February 26, 2010


I'm not going to lie. Being home on Fridays is exhausting. By the time the girls are in bed, I am more than ready to put my feet up, relax and head to bed shortly after them. They are busy, busy, busy. And require a lot of energy and attention. But they are so worth it when I think about all the moments I get to spend with them during the day.

They are already good friends and I keep telling myself to enjoy it while it lasts. While they don't play with each other, they LOVE to play around each other. They make each other laugh...big belly laughs. It warms my heart just watching them.
They are constantly growing and developing. Charlotte has been perfecting her crawling form and working hard on pulling up to a standing position. Claire's bed is the perfect height for practicing.
She loves getting into Claire's toys, especially the ones that Claire is playing with. It doesn't matter what it is, she is determined to get her hands on Claire's things. Good thing Claire is a decent sharer most of the time.
Claire has really taken to creating artwork lately. She loves to color and will spend large chunks of time creating. It is so amazing to watch her mind at work...even if it means that marker ends up in places other than paper (like the couch!!).
Her imagination continues to grow. She adores her babies and loves changing their diapers, putting on their pajamas and putting them down for naps.
So many moments from my amazing daughters.

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