Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The cold winter days. The lack of sunlight. The inability to strap the girls in the stroller and head to the park. The constant battle to keep our family healthy. The struggle to keep up with my career as sickness strikes our family again and again. Lately all of these things have left me feeling defeated.
Most days I love my life. I couldn't ask for better friends or a more supportive family. My husband is wonderful and I adore my two little girls. But lately, I am having a hard time keeping up with all of life's demands. In between work and family time, I am constantly picking up the house, trying to squeeze in a workout, and keep up with bills, groceries and laundry. There are never enough hours in the day. And, quite frankly, I am flat-out tired.
I took Charlotte to the doctor for her 6 month appointment this morning, an appointment we rescheduled 2 weeks ago because she was sick. Turns out she has a double ear infection and is on the tail end of recovering from hand, foot and mouth disease. She had a low-grade fever over the weekend, so that explains that. So much for all of the benefits of breast feeding.
On the bright side, I know these things are only temporary. In a few months the sun will be shining and we will be living at the park. The girls will have fewer colds and Charlotte's immune system will continue to get stronger. Fewer worries at home will allow me to be more focused at work. Life's demands will get a little more manageable. It will be worth these difficult times.
Being a parent is hard, but at the end of the day I wouldn't change it for the world. Defeated or not.


The O'Connells said...

I'm SO with you! Winter sucks and I don't know how people (me) work when your child (Ryan) is constantly sick and home from daycare. This winter has been especially bad for sickness. We need a mom support group!

Unknown said...

Well said. We'll all hang in there together.


I feel the same way and I only have one little gal! I think back now to when I was sick and didn't have a child and how easy that was compared to now - being sick and taking care of a sick child. This being a mother stuff is harder than I could've ever imagined. But you're also right, it is worth it.