Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Treasured Moments

It is hard to believe that my time at home with Charlotte is coming to an end. I have the rest of this week and next week off and then it is back to work. I have mixed feelings about going back. On one hand I will enjoy the routine and adult interaction that go along with a job outside of the house...not to mention using my brain for something other than diaper changes and sleep schedules. On the other hand, there are many things that I will miss...the warm cuddles after she eats and the way she gives me a big grin when I go to get her out of her crib after a nap. The way she takes in all of her surroundings and her love for music and story time. She is no longer a blob, but instead a little person with a personality. I remember this all too clear from Claire. Maternity leave is indeed cruel. Just when you have your baby figured out and they start to reward you with longer naps, big grins and little baby giggles, you have to go back to work.
So for now I will enjoy the time I have left at home with my sweet baby girl. I will treasure each of these moments as I know I will be missing them very soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thinking of you this week as you prepare to go back to work! Enjoy the days with your girls!