Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Growing Stronger

Charlotte continues to grow more alert and stronger ever day. Her eyes have been staying open for longer periods of time during the day and shut more during the nights. She is still waking up twice to eat during the night (around 12:00 and 3:30) and usually goes right back down after eating about 75% of the time. It is manageable for now, especially since I try to get a nap in during the day. I started trying to put her down for naps in her crib this morning and that ended up being a big failure. Every time I put her down asleep, she woke up within minutes. After 1 hour I finally got her to sleep in her crib, but she only lasted about 15 minutes. Oh well, we will try again tomorrow.

Over the last week or so she has developed a fussy period at night, which usually lasts an hour. I am usually in bed during this time, so I am thankful that Art is patient enough to get through this time alone each night. Everything I have read says that this usually decreases after week 6, so hopefully we only have a few more weeks left. And really, she is super mellow the rest of the day, so we can't complain.

With new babies their always seems to be much debate over who the little one looks like. Since Charlotte's birth there have been many people who think she looks just like Claire. Sure they have similarities (i.e. the same nose), but I have never thought they look too much like each other. I finally went back and looked at pictures of Claire and I still don't think they look that similar...you be the judge (picture of Claire here).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you Angie - I think they look unique - each is a beauty in her own right!