Saturday, April 5, 2008

Four Months Old

Claire turned four months old today. It is amazing how fast another month has gone by. We continue to enjoy our time with her every day and marvel at how much she has changed. Here are some interesting facts about Claire at four months:
  • She loves playtime...on her playmat, on a blanket or in her exersaucer.
  • Her favorite toy is her rings. She loves to hold them in her hands, pull them apart and put them in her mouth.
  • She is obsessed with her mouth (see previous bullet point). She puts anything and everything in it. Her fingers, my fingers, Art's fingers, toys, I said, everything.
  • She now rolls from both tummy to back and back to tummy.
  • She has started to laugh. She doesn't do it often, but when she does it puts a big smile on both Art and my faces.
  • She still gets up once during the middle of the night to eat. Darn...maybe by month 5 she will make it all the way through. Wishful thinking, I know.
  • She has suffered her first major cold and ear infection and survived (mom and dad did too).
  • She goes to 'school' every Monday-Thursday and has met lots of little friends.
  • She considers Sandra Boynton her favorite author and continues to add to her collection of books. She loves to look at the book, look at the person reading to her, and then return her focus to the book.
  • She is our little peanut. Bringing her to 'school' has made us realize that she really isn't that tall (shocking, I know). She doesn't go for her check-up until next Friday, so we won't know her stats until then.

Happy Four Months Baby Girl! Love you!!

1 comment:

suzie sanborn said...

She is beautiful!!! Grace didn't sleep through the night till 6 months.. it'll happen and you will soon be reminiscing about those late night cuddle sessions you used to have with her! We love Sandra Boynton at our house too!

love the blog.. you are inspiring me to start (again) with my blog..
