Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We did a Riedel wine tasting event at Solera last night. At the beginning, we were told that the appetizers would be removed from the tables - to ensure that nothing interfered with the aromas of the wine. Also, Georg Riedel (yes, it sounds like Needle) promised to "complicate our lives" by introducing us to the dramatic impact of high-end wine glasses. Seriously; pretty intense wine tasting.

Georg walked us through 3 different types of wine glasses and advised us to the types of wines that work best in each.

Our new favorite wine glasses (the Sommeliers Burgundy Grand Cru):

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Oh, for God's sake, Angie, can't you just drink the stuff? Too much work! I'm a margarita girl. Tequila, baby! - Cheri H.
P.S. Claire is almost as cute as her mother was when she was a baby!