Wednesday, November 3, 2010

15 Months Old

Charlotte turned 15 months old on Halloween. Over the past 3 months she has turned into a toddler. She understands everything and seems so grown up.

At 15 months, Charlotte:
- is very independent. She loves to look at books by herself, feed herself with a spoon and brush her own teeth.
- loves to dance. When you tell her to dance she starts bobbing her head and bouncing up and down.
- enjoys baby dolls. She loves to carry them around the house, pretend to feed them bottles and give them hugs and kisses. She sleeps with a small cloth one during nap and bedtime and loves to fall asleep with it under her head.
- adores real babies, too. She gets super excited and loves to get in their face and give them lots of (mostly gentle) touches.
- tries to repeat everything we say. She isn't saying a ton of words on her own yet, but has mastered a few of the basic ones: yes, no, baby, bottle, uh-oh, more, all done, nana (banana), bye, mama, dada.
- loves pizza. It is honestly the one food that she goes completely crazy over and consistently asks for more of. Overall, she is still a pretty good long as she is feeling well.
- has 4 teeth on top, 4 on bottom, her top 2 molars and her bottom 2 are trying hard to come through. She is kind of a crab when she is teething, so I'm looking forward to a break from teeth for awhile.
- can identify a handful of body parts on her own - hand, foot, belly, head.
- moved to the toddler room on Monday and it is going well so far. She cries at drop-off, but usually calms down pretty fast.
- is 30.5 inches tall (51st percentile) and weighs 20 lbs 3 oz (11th percentile).
- is super sweet and loving. She is constantly giving out hugs and kisses and we just love her!

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