Friday, October 22, 2010


Charlotte was struck be a nasty bug in the middle of the night on Tuesday, so she got to spend the day at home on Wednesday. Art took the morning shift and I took the afternoon. After sleeping in until 9:30, she was all smiles and laughs the rest of the day. While I love spending time with the girls together, sometimes it is really nice to have some one-on-one time with each of them. We went on a walk, read books and played.
She took this toy off the shelf and starting taking the pieces off and putting them back on. She was so focused. I tried to help her a few times and she wanted nothing to do with me. She wanted to do it all by herself. Little Miss Independent. I love that she is becoming her own little person and is figuring things out on her own, but it makes me realize that she is not my little baby anymore. She moves to the toddler room at school in one week and she is just that...a toddler. I'm not sure I'm ready for this just yet.

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