Monday, September 6, 2010

The Girls

My two little girls. They continue to amaze me. They are both full of so much energy and excitement. While their personalities are so different from each other, they absolutely love to spend time together. They giggle and laugh and follow each other from one room to the next. Build-in friends and playmates.

Little Charlotte has developed quite a personality over the past few months. She is still pretty easy-going and laid back, but we have definitely seen a little bit of temper shine through lately. She wants to do everything that Claire is doing. If Claire is washing her hands, then Charlotte needs to as well. If Claire needs a band-aid, so does Charlotte. If Claire is putting shoes on, then Charlotte needs hers on as well. Seriously, no exaggeration. It is amusing most of the time, except when things like markers and small legos are involved. Like most kids, she loves being outside. She loves digging in the dirt and sand and collecting rocks. She loves giving kisses and hugs and is still a little snuggler. She is our little peanut and I am so loving this age. And Claire, sweet Claire. I can't believe she is only a few months away from 3. She is turning into a little girl before my eyes. And a little girl she definitely is. She loves dresses and purses and mommy's high heels. She loves twirling like a ballerina and wearing her hair like a princess. That being said, she doesn't mind getting a little dirty. A trip to the park usually ends with us bringing a whole bucket of rocks home and she often looks like she has bathed in dirt when we pick her up from school. She is Miss Independent. She wants to do everything herself and is actually pretty good at getting things done on her own. She loves school and all of her friends there. She is constantly making up stories that include her little friends. It is amazing to hear her mind at work. She has an extreme fear of dogs and pretty much any animal that gets too close to her. She is still a mommy's girl most of the time, but is becoming more of a daddy's girl every day. Our little preschooler - energetic, spunky, independent.

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