Sunday, May 9, 2010

Catching Up...

I've been a little behind on the posting, mostly because I can't find the energy or time to do it. Charlotte has been waking up in the 5 o'clock hour this past week, which makes for a very tired me. I'm pretty sure she is working on her top two teeth, so hopefully this is short-lived.

We had a birthday celebration for Art's sister Kristine last weekend. His other sister Katie and her family recently moved back to Minneapolis from Chicago, so the whole family was together. It was great to have all the kids together and I am already looking forward to many play dates this summer.

In other news, I finally took a photography class last weekend. It was a basic introduction to using a DSLR camera and I actually learned a lot. As a result, I have been playing with the manual settings on our camera. I still have a long ways to go, but it is great to actually understand what all the settings do. With the colder and wetter weather this past week, we have been doing a lot of playing around the house. Here are a few photos from the past week.

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