Friday, January 29, 2010

Let the Sleep Training Begin...

I have patiently waited for the last 6 months for my sweet Charlotte to sleep through the night. I have gotten up night after night to soothe her and cuddle her and nurse her back to sleep. These middle of the night moments we have shared have been peaceful and sweet. My level of frustration has been much lower than I thought it would be. Maybe it is because my body has adjusted to the lack of sleep. Maybe it is because it has become a habit. Or maybe it is because I know her baby days will be over far too soon.
Despite all of this, we decided it is time. Time for her to learn to get back to sleep on her own in the middle of the night. Her chubby little thighs and cheeks are enough to tell me that she no longer needs the middle of the night feeding. Her pediatrician has also confirmed this. We decided to take a no nonsense approach to sleep training and let her cry it out. No feedings before 5:30am, no exceptions. Night one was bad. She woke at 3:00am and cried off and on until 4:15am before falling asleep until 7:15am. Night two was leaps and bounds better. She woke at 4:00am and cried for 15 minutes before falling asleep until 7:15am. If this continues, this is going to be a lot easier than I thought. A part of me feels bad and a little guilty, but I also believe I am doing what is best for Charlotte. Every family has to figure out what is best for them and I think this the right decision for ours. Now if I could just sleep through the night.
She must not be holding all of this against me as she was a very happy girl this morning!


Unknown said...

Sooooo glad to hear night 2 was a success! Hopefully the same for night 3! Looks like Charlotte is enjoying the jumper!

Costello in China said...

Megan talks so much about your girls that I had to check out your blog. Claire and Charlotte are so cute and have such pretty hair. I can see they are not only beautiful but lots of fun - enjoy!
Julie (Megan's mom)