Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Weeks in a Row

I have now been to the pediatrician's office three weeks in a row and am getting sick of it. The first two visits I was okay with as they were for Charlotte and Claire's well visits. However, this morning I brought Charlotte in with an irritated eye only to discover that she has an ear infection. That explains why she had such a hard time napping yesterday. Poor baby. She is now napping in her crib. Hopefully the medication will kick in soon and she will be feeling better. The ironic thing is that Art & I were just talking about how healthy the girls have been so far this winter.

In other doctor related news, Claire is still a peanut. She is 32.5 inches tall (16th percentile) and 25 lbs (27th percentile). Her head is a whole other story topping the charts in the 93rd wonder she is so smart!! :)

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