Sunday, November 29, 2009

Four Months Old

At four month old, Charlotte:
  • is rolling like crazy. You put her down on her back and she rolls right over on her tummy.
  • is still swaddled at home. Some new state regulations went into affect this summer that prohibits childcare centers from swaddling, which means that she is only in a sleepsack at school. Some days she naps okay without the swaddle and other days she only sleeps for 30 minutes at a time.
  • has decided that sleeping overnight is overrated. Don't get me wrong, she has had a few great nights where she has slept from 7:30 - 5:00 (and once until 6:00), but I can count them on one hand. And lately she has been sleeping awful. I think we are going to try to wean her from the pacifier this week to see if it helps...I think she is waking up when she loses it and we are more than sick of putting it back in her mouth in the middle of the night. We will see if it helps and if we actually have it in us to take it away!
  • loves to smile and laugh. She has started laughing more consistently and it is adorable. Art is especially skilled at making her giggle! :)
  • adores when you sing to her. She can be super sad and the minute you start singing a smile crosses her face.
  • still loves bathtime.
  • has discovered her fingers and they are in her mouth all the time. She doesn't really have a preference for one over the other, but definitely loves to drool all over them!
  • still enjoys the swing. When we are struggling to get her to nap, it usually puts her right to sleep.
  • is loved by her mom, dad and big sister Claire!

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