Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Miss Cling

Claire's separation/stranger anxiety has reached an all time high this week. I don't know if it is all the teeth she is working on or if it is just a stage. She has been quite sensitive at daycare all week. If anyone even looks at her a little funny, it is enough to send her into tears. Her separation anxiety has also been coupled with a definite preference for me. While it is nice to feel so loved, it also makes getting anything done nearly impossible. The minute I try to blow-dry my hair or start making dinner, I have a little cling-on standing at my feet begging me to pick her up. And lets be honest, carting around a near 20 lb child in my arms isn't exactly a breeze - it is hard work! Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Claire woke up from her afternoon nap with a 103 degree fever. No runny nose, no cough, no throwing up (thank god)...just a high fever. Lets hope she kicks this fast. It has been a long week!

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