Monday, September 1, 2008


Claire has mastered the act of standing up on her own. With each day that passes, she is able to stand on her own for longer and longer periods of time. She has even mastered the act of getting from a sitting position to a standing position without the assistance of any table or toy. She is becoming such a big girl!!

Don't, however, ask her to move her little feet forward. Don't even think about. She has zero interest in walking, so do not force it. If you try to hold her hands and have her walk along with you, she is sure to let you know that this is by no means acceptable behavior. In addition to keeping her feet firmly planted, she lets out a series of whines that is enough to let us know that we better stop. She is stubborn. If she is going to walk, she will to it herself...on her own time...without any one's help! And we are just fine with that. She is hard enough to keep up with when she is on all fours!!

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