At two months old, Nora...
- is still a super mellow baby. She rarely cries and when she does, it is very easy to calm her down.
- has started giving us lots of smiles and is starting to 'talk' to us.
- loves blowing bubbles and is drooling like a pro.
- has discovered her hands and loves putting them in her mouth.
- sleeps a 5-7 hour stretch at night, eats, and then goes back down for another 3-4 hours.
- will pretty much nap anywhere - her crib, bouncy chair, carseat, your arms. She really doesn't have a choice since she is the third child and we are often out and about during the day.
- is getting stronger. She can now lift her head up pretty high during tummy time and loves when we hold her in a standing position.
- weighs 10 lbs 4 oz (30th percentile) and is 22 inches long (30th percentile). After a month long struggle to gain weight, she finally seems to be on track.
- eats 6-7 times each day. Given the weight gain struggles, I am now exclusively pumping and all of her feedings are in a bottle. One nice thing is that Art now gets to help with night feedings!! :)
- is loved by her two older sisters. They both give her no fewer than 10 kisses each day and love to help out with bottles, diaper changes and giving her the pacifier when it falls out of her mouth.
- rolls from tummy to back.